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Wet Research Lab Volunteer

Before any volunteer can participate in any wet research lab activity, their overseeing principal investigator (PI) must ensure the following procedure is completed. 

  • Create a hiring authorization ticket ( the following information and with the below documents upload/attached in the ticket:
    • Volunteer's email address (linkblue account if applicable)
    • Name
    • Date of birth
    • Start date and expected end date
    • Status (e.g. student from <location>, visiting scientist from <location>, etc)
  1. Emergency Contact Form
  2. University of Kentucky: College of Arts and Sciences Assumption of Risk and Waiver of Liability Form 
  3. Research Volunteer Agreement 


Please complete all general and specific safety training and document this in your Lab Safety Manual as described below:

Reminder: All items above must be completed before the volunteer can gain access and/or perform work in the research lab. The principal investigator (supervisor) and/or their designee (e.g. lab manager, department manager, etc.) should submit the documents to the hiring authorization form. The research group should keep the originals for their files and submit an electronic copy to their department. The volunteer can not complete this process for themselves and should not create the ticket and/or upload the above information for themselves.


If the volunteer is under the age of 18, the following UK Environmental Health and Safety and UK Risk Management processes must be completed as described below:

  • Research Safety's Minors in Research Approval Process must be completed :

For minors involved in camps and/or multiple minors involved in the same program:

  • Minors on Campus (all documents here must be submitted to UK Risk Management by the principal investigator and/or their designee)
    • For more information on the above, please read UK AR 6:12


Note: Undergraduate students working in a lab to receive course credit (e.g., CHE395, etc.) do not have to complete volunteer paperwork.  If the undergraduate continues work over a break (e.g., summer, etc.) and/or continues into a semester that they are not receiving course credit for that wet research work, then the volunteer process above must be completed before they are allowed to continue in the lab.