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Working Group on War and Gender Symposium

Session 3: 9:00 – 10:45


Rochelle Davis, Associate Professor of Cultural Anthropology at the Edmund A. Walsh School of Foreign Service, Georgetown University


"Gendered Vulnerability and Forced Conscription in the War in Syria"


Moderator: Anahid Matossian, Department of Anthropology

Discussants: Diane King and Kristin Monroe, Department of Anthropology


Session 4: 11:00 – 12:30


Concluding Forum and Discussion

Moderator: Srimati Basu, Department of Gender and Women’s Studies

West End Room, 18th Floor, Patterson Office Tower

Working Group on War and Gender Symposium

Session 1: 3:30 – 5:15


Purnima Bose, Associate Professor of English, Indiana University


"The Capitalist-Rescue Narrative and the War on Terror"


Moderator:  Amy Murrell Taylor, Department of History

Discussant, Francie Chassen-Lopez, Department of History

Session 2:  5:30- 7:15


Sue Grayzel, Professor of History and Director of the Sarah Isom Center for Women and Gender Studies, University of Mississippi


 "All are Now in the Line of Fire:" Gender and the Defence of Civilian Bodies in the Interwar British Empire


Moderator: Carmen Moreno-Nuño, Department of Hispanic Studies

Discussant: Pearl James, Department of English


W.T. Young Library Multipurpose Room B 108C
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