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Suraj Chaudhary

Suraj Chaudhary (Nepal)
PhD Candidate in Philosophy

Initially interested in literature, Suraj knew there were few options to study liberal arts at the university level in Nepal. Accordingly, he decided to pursue his undergraduate work at the University of Colorado - Denver, which is where he was exposed to philosophy and ended up double majoring in English Literature and Philosophy. After completing a Master's in Philosophy at the University of Mumbai in India, Suraj joined UK.
The Philosophy department at UK has a good mix of different specializations and interests, Suraj said, and he found that attractive. He described the department as pluralistic and supportive. "What I can speak to is the welcoming environment in the department and at UK overall," he said. "Being here I have never felt like I was an alien. As an international student, you probably can't say that about many places."
Now he studies phenomenology and the intersection of questions of space, place and technology. He won the departmental teaching award in Spring 2017 and the College of Arts & Sciences Certificate for Outstanding Teaching in Spring 2018. "I love doing what I do, the students I teach, and being able to teach a diverse group of students who come from different backgrounds ... they show an enthusiasm for the big questions of life, and a philosophy class is just the right place to explore them." He also directed the UK Philosophy Summer Camp in 2017, which allowed him to engage in the community and "take philosophy to the people, especially the youth, who do not usually know about it."
Suraj enjoys the small town feel of Lexington and the greenery of the area. His wife is also a doctoral student at UK, and he hopes that when they are finished with their studies, they can find teaching positions near each other.