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P&A Colloquium

Colloquium is held at Chemistry-Physics building (CP), 505 Rose street.
Refreshments with the speaker are served at 3:00 pm in CP-179.

A full list of past and upcoming recordings can be found here.

Hunting for Ghosts using Rare-Isotope Doped Superconducting and Optomechanical Sensors

Dr. Kyle Leach

Associate Professor

Department of Physics

Colorado School of Mines

Host: Korsch

Title: Hunting for Ghosts using Rare-Isotope Doped Superconducting and Optomechanical Sensors

Abstract: Nuclear beta and electron capture (EC) decay serve as sensitive probes of the structure and symmetries at the microscopic scale of our Universe. As such, precision measurements of the final-state products in these processes can be used as powerful laboratories to search for new physics from the meV to TeV scale. Significant advances in “rare isotope” availability and quality, coupled with decades of sensing technique development from the AMO community have led us into a new era of fundamental tests of nature using unstable nuclei. For the past few years, we have taken the approach of embedding radioisotopes in thin-film superconducting tunnel junctions (STJs) to precisely measure the recoiling atom that gets an eV-scale “kick” from the neutrino following EC decay. These recoils are encoded with the fundamental quantum information of the neutrino and decay process, as well as carrying unique signatures of weakly coupled beyond standard model (BSM) physics; including neutrino mass, exotic weak currents, and potential “dark” particles created within the energy-window of the decay. These measurements provide a complimentary and (crucially) model-independent portal to the dark sector with sensitivities that push towards synergy between laboratory and cosmological probes. In this talk, I will discuss the broad program we have developed to provide leading limits in these areas as well as the technological advances across several sub-disciplines of science required to enable this work, including subatomic physics, quantum engineering, atomic theory, and materials science. Finally, I will discuss future prospects of extending this work using macroscopic amounts of harvested exotic atoms from the Facility for Rare Isotope Beams (FRIB) in optically levitated nanospheres for direct momentum measurements of the decay recoils.

Event Series:

Colloquium: DUNE: The Hot Program in the Cold Detector

Neutrinos have come a long way in the human endeavor from their days as a ``desperate remedy.''  Their study now forms the cornerstone of the high energy physics program in the United States.  The U.S. will play host to an international project called DUNE which will explore many of the most important open questions in neutrino physics.  We discovered neutrino mass by doing long-distance quantum phase interferometry with large detectors that were both sensitive scientific instruments and exquisitely beautiful devices.  DUNE will employ an enormous liquid argon time-projection chamber to make the most thorough measurements of neutrino oscillation phenomena ever undertaken.  The large far detector will enable the exploration of a plethora of physical phenomena including nucleon decay and dark matter.  After briefly discussing the history of neutrinos, I will describe the measurements we will make with DUNE and some physics opportunities we will have along the way.

CP 155
Event Series:

Colloquium: The Materiality of Vacuum

The old idea of a luminiferous ether got a bad reputation, but in modern physics we've discovered that it is very fruitful to regard empty space, or vacuum, as a material. Vacuum can be polarized, or act as a catalyst, for example, and it is a superconductor. Conversely, materials can be viewed "from the inside" as the vacua of alternative worlds, which often have exotic, mind-expanding properties. These ideas suggest new possibilities for cosmology, and bring to life a profound question: What is a Universe? 
Refreshments will be served in Chemistry-Physics Building Room 179 at 3:15 PM
Event Series:
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