Greetings Everyone!
Biology Students are my jam; all other majors in Arts & Sciences also happen to be my Bread and Butter so if you want to connect with me please call, email or visit!
I am fortunate to spend time in 2 offices to serve a large number of Faculty and their Advisees as well as my A&S Advisees and any student in need. which means you'll find me in room 113A of Thomas Hunt Morgan (Bio Sciences Building on Rose Street) Wednesdays thru Fridays during the Academic Semester -> on the ground floor (fighting in the trenches as they say). Mondays and Tuesdays i am in the thick of things with the A&S Advisng Center in room 319 POT and every day school is not in session.
A Brief History of Mine- In the mid 2000s I began my career in Student Affairs at UK as a Graduate Assistant for the Dean of Students (5th floor P.O.T.!) while pursuing my Master's Degree in Educational Policy Studies and Evaluation. During my formative graduate years I spent 2 summers working with Sorority Recruitment (and the amazing Dean West!!). I also spent a semester assisting with research for the College of AG on a Kentucky-wide Dairy Survey which was very enlightening to say the least! I've worked in all areas of Student Affairs, from Judicial Affairs, Greek Life, Student Activities, Residence Life and Admissions. I am very passionate about connecting students to resources and providing them excellent support. At home I have a wife of 13 years (yes, 13 years, really!) 6 cats, a very cool house and 2 little girls (ages 6 and 8) who attend Maxwell down the street with Spanish Immersion. Yo apriendo Espanol!
Come visit my office and see pictures anytime, stay for Tea.
I earned a Bachelor's degree in both International Business and German from Georgetown College in 2004 while playing Soccer and even 1 semester on the Tennis team! I worked nearly every student job you can imagine and won more Intramural sport than any student in the history of GC intramurals (maybe... try me). I received my Master's Degree in Education from UK in 2007. I also Studied abroad int eh summer of 2002 and returned in 2006 to visit friends and Backpack 7 countries for a month (Eine unglaubliche rundgang!"). Back in the day I spoke pretty decent German, today I'm happy to give it a go with you. I'm also learning Espanol since my daughter goes to Maxwell (Spanish immersion) Elementary!
Hobbies include- Rowing! Running, Fitness, Guitar, Reading (nearly all genres), Hiking/Camping/Rock Climbing and any way to spend time outdoors!
See you soon!
Andrew J. Fast