Chemistry Professor Marcelo Guzman was recently awarded a five year National Science Foundation (NSF) career grant to aid in his atmospheric chemistry research with students here at the University of Kentucky.
The grant will also enable Guzman to extend the reach of the university and chemistry department by strengthening and creating new connections with other institutions such as local high schools.
Chemistry Professor Yinan Wei recently received a $450,000 grant from the National Science Foundation for a study expected to generate some of the first ever data in her subject matter, which focuses on how proteins oligomerize in cell membrane, or in other words, how membrane-spanning proteins that function in units containing more than one subunit, assemble in nature.
Congratulations are in order for Ramesh Bhatt, who has recently won a three-year National Science Foundation grant worth $432,751. Bhatt, a professor in the Department of Psychology, will use the support to expand his research on the development of social functioning in infancy. For example, Bhatt will analyze how infants from 3 to 9 months of age react to systematic changes to body and face images, documenting which aspects of bodies and faces infants scan. The results will help Bhatt determine whether babies know as much about bodies as about faces.
In addition to supporting the university’s mission to contribute to basic scientific knowledge, Bhatt’s NSF grant may also help answer questions about Autism, a developmental disability that has had a great impact on our society.
Solar energy has been around for a while now, but John Anthony, Michel Jabbour and Chi-Sing Man are part of a team that was recently awarded a National Science Foundation grant to develop new ways to catch and convert light to electricity. Anthony, a chemist, describes the project, and his collaboration with mathematicians Jabbour and Man.
Enku Ide is a graduate student in the Department of Sociology and a recipient of a National Science Foundation grant. Ide examines first-generation college and university students' experience, exploring issues of class identity and unionization in graduate student populations.
Ten students will have the opportunity for a 10-week, real-life, undergraduate research experience beginning next summer at UK, thanks to a recent NSF grant awarded to David Westneat in UK's Department of Biology.