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CESL Stars: Reem Basaqr

The Center for English as a Second Language (CESL)

Anonymous (not verified)
CESL Stars - Minen Al-Kafajy

Anonymous (not verified)
CESL Student Awards Ceremony (Fall 2015) Anonymous (not verified)
CESL Stars: Moise Djigbenou

Moise Djigbenou came to Kentucky from the Ivory Coast in December of 2000. At the University of Kentucky, he studied electrical engineering with a specialty in electronics, mechanical engineering, technological engineering, and math. He now works at Big Ass Fans in application engineering.

Anonymous (not verified)
CESL Stars: Nobuko Patton

Anonymous (not verified)

Language Talk - Episode 5

Our fifth Language Talk: KWLA podcast, News and Updates for the 2015-16 School Year, features host Laura Roché Youngworth discussing upcoming events sponsored by the KWLA with President Sarah Meredith and President-Elect Lucas Gravitt. Topics include the KWLA conference in Louisville, KWLA opportunties for professional development and advocacy, plans for the World Language Showcase, and classroom techniques.
CESL Testimony - Silvia Carlotti

Silvia Carlotti talks about her experiences in CESL.

Anonymous (not verified)
CESL Testimony - Helen Bukulmez

Helen Bukulmez talks about her experiences in CESL.

Anonymous (not verified)

Language Talk - Episode 4

Our fourth Language Talk: KWLA podcast, National Updates, features co-hosts Laura Roché Youngworth and Jeanmarie Rouhier-Willoughby discussing with Jacque VanHouten, 2015 President of the American Council on the Teaching of Foreign Languages, national issues and initiatives relevant to world language educators. Topics include current policy such as bi-lingual certification, curricular and instructional shifts, and advocacy opportunities for educators of languages.

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