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Hive Creative Team

Here's a little introduction to the Hive Creative Team!

What we do?

In short, we do anything and everything deemed “creative.” Our team is comprised of areas that focus on: Design and Art, Communications/Marketing, Video Production, Social Media, Photography and Audio Production. We assist with many of the projects/initiatives in the college such as international and domestic recruitment, LLP marketing, ASB promotion/development, alumni communications, event promotions and supporting materials, getting the word out about faculty, staff and student accomplishments, podcast series, building and digital signage, and much, much more. 

How we do it – Behind the Scenes

Here is a look behind the scenes at some color breakdowns and a timeline from our video team. A lot of time goes into editing video, audio and photographs, as well as beginning a new design or modifying an exisitng design. We brainstorm a lot, toss around ideas and have worked to create an open atmosphere that fosters creativity (you can see pictures of the creative space below). 

Who's on our team

Our team currently consists of three full-time staff and 13 student staff. The full-time staff consists of myself, Shaan Azeem, art director, and John Buckman, video producation director. Since most of you have worked with us before, we wanted to introduce you to our student staff - where a lot of the magic and talent you see comes from.

Each student was asked: If you were animal, which would you be and why?


  • Blake Beamer, Integrated Strategic Communications, 2016. Hawk

  • Marissa Wilson, Master of Arts in Interior Design, 2016. A humpback whale because they are my favorite animal and the biggest animal in the world. Also, because then I can swim around traveling the waters of the world, exploring all of the life in the ocean. 


  • Jeremy Brown, Art Studio, 2016. An animal I would be is a wolf because they have a strong sense of independence while also caring greatly for those in their immediate pack. I feel that I share similar qualities.

  • Rebecca Clements, English and Topical Studies Film, Television & Digital Media, 2016. I'd be a dog - I love naps and hanging out with my favorite humans.

  • Hank Russell, Philosophy and Mathematics, 2018. A dog because I could sleep all of the time.

  • Kendra Sanders, English and Topical Studies Film


  • Tasha Ramsey, English, 2016. If I could be any animal, I would be a cat because then my cat and I could truly be best friends! :-)

  • Guy Spriggs, PhD English, 2016, Whatever is as close to human as possible - an ape, maybe?

  • Dara Vance, PhD History, 2017. I would like to be Hemingway's cat so I can A) be a house cat and B) live in Key West C) repeat A and B.


  • Savannah Patton, Integrated Strategic Communications 2016

  • Yingnan Song, Accounting, 2017. If I could be any animal, I would like to be a dolphin. I saw a dolphin show and dolphins are very cute, smart and very passionate. 


  • David Cole

  • Mason Passamonte