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United Way Mid-Campaign Update October 15, 2014

The A&S United Way campaign GOAL for 2014 is $30,000. We started the campaign with the $115 donation from the Chili Cook-Off. As on Monday, October 10, A&S Faculty and Staff have donated $2,674.96, which is just 8.9% of our goal.

Payroll deduction is the preferred method of giving. A tutorial on how to accomplish this in MyUK can be found here. Please note that in order for you to continue an existing Payroll deduction contribution, YOU MUST go into MyUK and authorize the donation for the 2015 calendar year. Existing contributions do not roll over from one year to the next.

If you prefer to make a one-time cash or check donation, please reach out to me and I will bring you a donation form to fill out. 

Please make plans now to participate in our Fall Potluck on Friday, October 31. You can RSVP at this link. If you would like to dress in costume and compete in the Halloween Costume Contest, participants are asked to pay a $2 entry fee which will be donated to United Way of the Bluegrass. 

If you have questions about agencies supported by United Way of the Bluegrass, please take a look at this link on the website.