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Return to Classes

     It is hard to believe that the Fall semester is almost here again.  It seems like just yesterday Spring semester ended and the summer was beginning.  The local public grade schools have even already started their new school year.  Soon the new freshmen will be coming to UK’s campus and beginning their new lives as well.  The air is full of excitement and promise. 

     I myself am excited for the new school year to begin.  I am starting new classes and an extended research lab project.  There will be new books to read and new subjects to explore.  Also, in Online Education we will be aiding in new classes and start working on some new classes for the next summer.  I am always anxious to find out what classes and professors have decided to utilize an online format. 

     To all the new freshmen I encourage you to explore the university as much as possible and try to get involved in any groups that you find worthwhile.  There are so many things that UK offers which I did not realize until after I had gotten my undergraduate degree.  There is a very nice work-out facility, a nutritionist, movies in the Student Center, and so much more.  I also suggest not stressing over what major you want to choose.  Likely, you will end up changing your mind so try to expose yourself to as many different disciplines as possible early.  And above all, do not let yourself get overwhelmed with either all the new freedom or pressures.  Just do your best in your class work, put it first, but take time for some fun too.  Enjoy your first year!