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Limits on Assistantship Funding under AR5:2

Under UK AR5:2 (effective 1/4/19), there is a limit on the number of years that a graduate student can be supported through assistantships (as a teaching assistant, research assistant, or graduate assistant). Master's degree students will serve no more than three (3) years as teaching or research assistants, and doctoral students will serve no more than five (5) years as teaching or research assistants, unless an extension for good cause is granted by the Graduate School.

The Graduate School has temporarily granted permission for the College to evaluate requests for a sixth year of assistantship funding and to grant them if warranted. Requests for extensions of assistantship funding into a seventh year (or beyond) are submitted to the Graduate School by the College.

To submit a request for an extension of assistantship funding for a 6th year, click here.

To submit a request for an extension of assistantship funding for a 7th year or later, click here.