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Naff Symposium 2017

The 43rd Naff Symposium on Chemistry and Molecular Biology, entitled “Biolectronics: Where Chemistry, Medicine, and Materials Meet”, was held on March 31, 2017. The Symposium featured four preeminent speakers in the field of bioelectronics: Dr. Zhenan Bao (Stanford University) Dr. Alon Gorodetsky (University of California, Irvine), Dr. George Malliaras (Ecole des Mines de St. Etienne, France), and Dr. John Rogers (Northwestern University). The talks emphasized the highly multidisciplinary nature behind the expansion of bioelectronics, showcasing advancements in the development of materials and devices that mimic skin functionality, allow for implantable and biodegradable devices, and provide unprecedented sensitivity to biological function. The annual Naff Symposium poster session, which followed the day’s talks, highlighted cutting-edge research by undergraduate and graduate students across the University of Kentucky campus.