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Islamic Studies / Faculty


Suleiman Darrat, Senior Lecturer
(Dr. Ing., TU Berlin, Germany)

Dr. Darrat pursued his formal education in engineering.  He obtained his Doctorate of Engineering from the Technological University of Berlin (West).  He also obtained the degree Dipl. Wirt.-Ing. (MS in Engineering Economics) from the University of Siegen, West Germany.  He pursued his informal education in Arabic and Islamic studies for over 30 years as student, educator, administrator and activist in many West European Islamic Institutions before he joined UK in January 1996.  He specializes in The Qur'an, the Sunnah (Tradition of Prophet Mohammed), and their relevance to contemporary societies; Islamic resurgence and contemporary revival movements; Islam and Muslims in the West.


  • Islamic Civilization I
  • Intermediate Modern Standard Arabic
  • Introduction to the Qur’an
  • Classical Arabic Literature
  • Topics in Islamic Studies

1073 Patterson Office Tower
University of Kentucky
Lexington KY 40536-0027
Phone: 859-257-7037

Ihsan Bagby, Associate Professor
(Ph. D., University of Michigan)

Dr. Bagby obtained his PhD from the University of Michigan in Near Eastern Studies (1986) with specialty in Islamic Law.  His research for the last 10 years has focused on Muslims in America.  In 2001 he published the results of the first comprehensive study of mosques in America, entitled The Mosque in America: A National Portrait. (available at  Based on the 2001 study, Dr. Bagby has published four articles, “Imams and Mosque Organizations in the United States,” in Muslims in the United States, “A Profile of African American Mosques” in Journal of the Interdenominational Theological Center, “Attitudes of Mosque Participants Towards America,” in the forthcoming book A Nation of Religions: The Politics of Pluralism in Multireligious America, and “The Mosque in the American Public Square,” in Muslims’ Place in the American Public Square.


  • Islamic Civilization II 
  • Elementary Modern Standard Arabic 
  • Fundamentalism and Reform in Islam 
  • Women in Islam 
  • Topics in Islamic Studies


1075 Patterson Office Tower
University of Kentucky
Lexington KY 40536-0027
Phone: 859-257-9638