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QR Codes Go to College

Marketing agencies, Archrival and Axis of Awesome both specializing in youth and university markets recently completed a survey of students on 24 college campuses nationwide about their use of QR codes. I'm not terribly surprised at what they've found (indifference) - but I'd like to go one step further:

I'd suggest that it's the overuse of QR codes as a vehicle for advertisement which fuels this in the first place. They have (had) great potential to deliver information in a rapid and portable way. Now I find that no one uses them because they're expecting to be redirected to just another bland sales pitch.

What say you, students? How do you feel about QR codes?

From the article by Archrival:

"In the midst of the growing industry pressure to force-feed these barcodes into the marketplace, we noticed a profound indifference being shown to QR codes by the one demographic that can make or break a trend — college students."

QR Code Infographic